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Yap Boon Seng

Exceeding Your Expectations

Joining this industry in the midst of a global recession in 1999. Many would thought i won't surpass the first year and giving up my career as a sales engineer was suicidal many felt. Experiencing the many peaks and troughs in my career as a realtor strengthens me further.  In my mid years of my real estate career I began guiding  realtors that come on board.


Team building to me is not about numbers, i prefer a smaller outfit that i am able to give my associates full attention. It's about changing people lives & touching their hearts with what we possess. 


With NLG excellent platform & my sales system, i have set out to ensure my associates will never be left high and dry. Many of them have been with me for a decade and we are glad we are able to journey together with NLG.


While I was focusing on property sales and as company project in-charge, I achieved consistent Top 5 Monthly Division Director and Annual awards and through mentoring my agents, have since helped many achieve even greater results. 


Today, I lead a great bunch of more than 50 agents in Navis Living Group and contribute to their training, growth and development as leaders and producers.

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Boon seng
james yeow, commercial agent,
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James Yeow

Exceeding Your Expectations

I am James Yeow and i am with the Rainmakers division. I joined this real estate industry in late 2000. Being a newbie then, i was exposed to different types of industry like HDB sales, leasing, Private residential new launch, and TOP projects. When an opportunity knocks to serve a referral for a commercial retail space, i tell myself that this is something that is totally a new industry that i have not gone into. 


During the course of finding spaces for the prospect, i felt that the people that i deal with is totally very different compared to residential. It then spurs my interest to focus on Commercial. I do not have anyone to learn from then and everything is alien to me. Thankfully i am blessed to learn from some seniors in the industry who were very willing to share with me. 



I then move on to shop house rental and sale in 2006 and i have not looked back since. Now my main focus is to groom my agents to be able to lease or sell commercial properties and be a specialist in different district. Commercial sales and leasing are all about networking and if we can cover a wider area on the island, it will definitely be a lot easier. 


I believe that this commercial industry does not need to be a lonely journey. Think of it like a soccer team where everyone compliments each other covering different parts of the field. 

vivian chong, empower women, navis living group,

Vivian Chong

Exceeding Your Expectations

I began my real estate journey in 2002.

Over the years, I have worked with many clients on their real estate needs. Some cases were about helping clients right-sizing their homes at different points of their lives, while others were about helping them move on due to major life transitions.

To me, real estate work is really about making a difference in people's lives. I derive great satisfaction from the work I do.

In the years ahead, besides continuing my work with clients on their real estate needs, I would also like to pay it forward by coaching and mentoring fellow realtors, especially women who want to build a career in real estate.

While this career offers lucrative income and flexible work hours, it also presents many challenges - financial insecurity as we do not have basic pay, time management as we juggle work, children and family all at one time.

Only those who have walked the same journey will understand.

"It is my vision to see women achieving their dreams, and live their lives with purpose and passion through a successful real estate career."

Together, let's make a difference in people's lives.

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Exceeding Your Expectations

David Chua

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Vending machine - quick, easy, and convenient. We all wish life could be like a vending machine. Slot in some coins, click a few buttons, and out comes what you want.


But, it’s not.


I am David Chua. Starting off as a commercial agent, I have since branched out into the residential field as well.


And yes, a career in Real Estate has never been easy. From HDB flats and landed properties, to industrial buildings and commercial shops, the needs of customers come in endless permutations. And yet, meeting our customers’ needs is the very crux of any agent’s work scope.


Like all agents in the trade, I was once in a position of inexperience. And this inexperience was twofold. Not only was I struggling to handle little things that crop up along the way, but also taken back by how difficult the ostensibly “easy” things were in reality. Like rocky waves, the journey was turbulent. And indeed, it still is today.


But what changed is the company I have. The Rainmaker community welcomed me with open arms, and it was not long before did I see the core Rainmaker spirit. They believed in human potential, the culture of open sharing, and most importantly, supporting one another regardless of the teams we are in.

David Chua

Exceeding Your Expectations

Jacquelyn Wong

Jacquelyn Wong is a real estate consultant with more than 10 years of experience. Her past career as a Sales Professional with MNCs gives her a strong foundation and to steer her passion for serving clients with understanding their needs. She has a strong base of loyal clients and focus on private residential market, expatriate relocation to Singapore and luxury market projects.


Today, she also enjoys training and mentoring new RES. Jacquelyn and her team of agents consistently strive onwards with new technology, marketing initiatives and achieve breakthroughs in their sales achievements.


Jacquelyn Wong is also a business owner of a music education business, Joy Music Studio Pte Ltd which has grown steadily and in operation for 7 years. Having a business background and experience, this builds a strong business approach towards her clients in her dealings and her strength in mentoring team members.


On the personal side, Jacquelyn values time as the most important resource. She values her time spent meaningfully doing things that are of value. This means spending time to build strong relationships with her family, clients and team members.


To de stress and refresh herself, Jacquelyn enjoys brisk walking and taking photos during these walks. She also enjoys reading books on marketing and sales and listening to Christian teachings to build up her faith.

jacquelyn wong, joy music studio,
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Huttons Asia Pte Ltd. (Licence No:L3008899K)

Huttons International Pte Ltd. (Licence No. L30089371)

Yap Boon Seng (Reg no. R013005F)

Contact: +6597607757

3 Bishan Place #05-01 

CPF Bishan Building S579838

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